7 best Ayurvedic remedies to treat the common cold

An infection of your upper respiratory tract, i.e., nose and throat, can cause a common cold. You are likely to experience a runny or stuffy nose, coughs, sore throat and various forms of discomfort. An Ayurvedic practitioner might recommend certain herbs and dietary supplements to help relieve your symptoms in such cases. We will discuss the different useful herbs and supplements that you may use to relieve the common cold.

Table of Contents

    Causes of the common cold

    Various types of viruses are responsible for the common cold, of which rhinoviruses are the most common. These viruses enter your body through openings such as your nose, mouth or ears. It is caused mainly through droplets of air, especially when someone coughs or sneezes.

    Besides, this infection can also spread when you are exposed to a person suffering from a cold or share contaminated objects. Later, when you touch your eyes, mouth or nose with the same contaminated hand, you will likely catch a cold.

    Symptoms of the common cold

    Within one to three days after you are exposed to the said virus, you will likely experience symptoms. These symptoms vary from person to person. Patients with the common cold might experience the following symptoms.

    • Sore throat
    • Cough
    • Sneezing
    • Runny or stuffy nose
    • Congestion
    • Mild body aches or headaches
    • Low-grade fever
    • Prevent common cold

    Some preventive measures to avoid the common cold

    We hope you understand the causes of the common cold and the symptoms you are likely to experience. Therefore, we will share some preventive measures to avoid the common cold.

    • It would help if you washed your hands properly with soap and water. It would help you to prevent the spread of infection.
    • If frequent hand washing is not possible, you can sanitize your hand with alcohol-based sanitizer after touching objects that are likely to get contaminated easily, such as doorknobs, chair handles, etc.
    • Refrain from touching your eyes, nose or any part of your face.
    • Increase your fluid intake such as water, tea, etc.
    • If you are experiencing a stuffy nose, steam inhalation can help relieve congestion.
    • Include vitamin c-rich food in your diet to boost your immune system.

    Ayurvedic remedies for the common cold

    Despite following the preventive measures mentioned above, you may catch a cold. Ayurveda believes that the main cause behind any ailment is an imbalance in the three doshas, i.e., Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Therefore, according to it, an excess of Pitta and Kapha dosh can result in cough and nasal congestion. As a result, Ayurvedic practitioners suggest the following remedies can help in relieving common cold symptoms.


    This herb improves antibody production that is further effective in preventing possible infections. It can relieve your cough and help remove excess mucus to clear the airways.


    Honey is great for taste buds and also relieves sore throat. In addition, it also helps relieve thick mucus to reduce chest congestion. Hence, you can use it irrespective of dry or wet cough.


    This herb can help to relieve sore throat and cough. It loosens excess mucus in the airways and thereby helps in reducing congestion.


    It is another useful herb that can manage cough and colds effectively. Studies revealed that this herb could also relieve your headaches and congestion. It loosens the mucus in the airways, which further helps you cough them out. As a result, it reduces congestion to help you breathe freely.

    Dry Ginger

    Combining this herb with honey and consuming the same can help relieve your cold and cough symptoms. You can also use them to relieve your sore throat.


    This spice offers various health benefits, such as relieving colds and coughs. Besides, it can also provide you relief from your sore throat. Due to its antiviral property, this spice helps fight against viruses responsible for causing the common cold.


    This herb can help manage tonsillitis and cough. It can also relieve your sore throat. Further, it can also improve your immune system.

    Dietary Supplements

    Along with the remedies mentioned above, the following dietary supplements can also help to relieve your common cold symptoms. However, we advise you to consult healthcare professionals or an Ayurvedic practitioner before consuming these supplements. They are not meant to cure your ailments; however, they might help manage your symptoms.

    Apollo Ayurveda Kufkure

    This supplement contains herbs such as Vasa, Sund Dry Ginger, Kantkari, Resha - Khatmi, Banafsa, Unaab, Mulethi, etc. They can help in relieving your common cold symptoms. In addition, they contain Kali Mirch, which can relieve nasal congestion, and Kadaksingi clears the excess mucus in the airways.

    Apollo Ayurveda's Imuty Plus

    The herbs such as Amla, Giloy, Mulethi, Shama Tulsi, Kali Mirch, and Sund Dry Ginger in this supplement can relieve you from cold and cough.

    Apollo Ayurveda Giloy

    The Giloy herb effectively relieves cold, sore throat, and cough.

    Apollo Ayurveda: Lungs-Kure

    This supplement contains Tulsi, Banafsa, Resha Khatmi and Sund Dry Ginger. All of them can help relieve cough and cold.

    Apollo Ayurveda Amla

    Amla can boost your overall immunity and relieve cough and cold.

    Apollo Ayurveda Kuffox

    The herbs such as Mulethi and Dumbooti in this supplement might relieve your cough and cold.

    End Notes

    During the cold and flu season, the chances of you catching a cold increase. However, with the help of preventive measures, you can reduce these possibilities. Even if you catch a cold, using the remedies mentioned above can offer you relief. However, consult your physician or an Ayurvedic practitioner to understand which method(s) will offer you better relief.

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