Can Ayurvedic Remedies Help In Constipation Relief?

Constipation is a health condition where you may experience infrequent bowel movements or difficulty in the passing of stool. For some people, the condition may persist for a week or more. Occasional constipation is common among individuals. However, sometimes, people with chronic constipation can experience persisting symptoms for several weeks or longer. Ayurveda can help relieve your constipation.

Symptoms of constipation

The following symptoms are common in patients with constipation
  • Having hard stools
  • Passing stools less than three times a week
  • Patients have to strain to have bowel movements
  • Patients might feel a blockage in their rectum to cause issues concerning bowel movements
  • Even after passing stool, patients might feel that they have not succeeded in removing them entirely from their rectum.
If you experience two or more of these symptoms in the last three months, your doctor or an Ayurvedic practitioner might consider your condition as chronic.

Ayurvedic tips to prevent constipation

Ayurvedic practitioners advise the following tips to help prevent constipation.

Consume fruits and vegetables

Eating lots of fiber-rich whole foods can promote better bowel movement. Hence, you should include fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and nuts in your diet. Consuming excess processed food, meats, etc., might cause constipation.

Stay hydrated

Doctors and Ayurvedic practitioners believe that dehydration is related to constipation. Hence, you must drink plenty of water to improve digestion and remove toxins from the body effectively.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Constipation

The following Ayurvedic remedies can help relieve constipation.


Triphala is a blend of dried fruits from Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. Studies revealed that Triphala can improve symptoms of constipation among 79 percent of individuals participating in the study group. You can buy a powdered form of Triphala and brew herbal tea. If required you may add a teaspoon of honey to improve the taste.


An Ayurvedic herb that FDA has approved for constipation is Senna. The compounds in this herb help relieve constipation within six to twelve hours. When taken at the right dose, this herb is safe for children and adults. You may consult your Ayurvedic practitioner to understand how to consume this herb and in what dose. Your doctor or an Ayurvedic practitioner would not recommend senna for children below two years or adults with the following health concerns.
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Intestinal blockage
  • Heart ailments
  • Electrolyte imbalance
  • Stomach inflammation
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Appendicitis
Besides, you must also remember that when you consume this herb with other herbs such as licorice, buckthorn, aloe, etc., it may reduce your potassium levels. It may further cause fatigue, heart palpitations, muscle cramps, etc.

Ayurvedic enemas

Ayurvedic remedies are not just limited to the consumption of herbs. It also includes a health protocol, called Panchakarma, which is a group of five cleansing procedures. The purpose of this procedure is to remove toxins from the body from time to time. Panchakarma Basti is a part of this procedure that helps cleanse the bowel through medicated enemas. It includes herbal blends suspended in ghee or oil. The liquid is then passed through a tube inserted into your rectum. After holding the fluid for a few minutes, you can release it in the toilet.

End Notes

To avoid possible complications, you must undergo this procedure in the presence of an Ayurvedic practitioner. They can determine which herbs or oils to use. You must avoid overusing this procedure as it might affect your body's ability to remove toxins naturally. Therefore, if you suffer from constipation, visit our Ayurvedic practitioner for appropriate treatment. They might recommend the above herbs or procedures to relieve constipation.
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