Ayurvedic tips to relieve bloating

Abdominal bloating occurs due to the filling of air or gas in the gastrointestinal tract. You may also experience pain, frequent burping, belching, abdominal rumbling, etc. In such situations, you can consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to ease your pain and discomfort. This blog will discuss a few Ayurvedic tips to relieve bloating effectively.

Table of Contents

    Causes of bloating

    The following are the critical causes of bloating.

    Gas and air – When undigested food is broken down in the intestinal tract, it causes the build-up of gas. Moreover, if you eat or drink fast, chew gums, etc., you are likely to swallow more air causing bloating. The swallowed air can leave your body through burping and flatulence.

    Medical conditions – Certain health issues can increase the likelihood of bloating. These are irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, heartburn, food intolerance, eating disorder, etc.

    As per Ayurveda, bloating is a form of Vata Disorder. You may experience 4 types of conditions. These are Aadhmana or flatulence, Pratiadhmana or buildup of gas in the upper abdomen, Aanaha or distension due to inability to pass bowel or urine, and Atopa or stomach regurgitation and intense pain.

    Ayurvedic tips to relieve bloating

    The following Ayurvedic principles and practices can help relieve bloating.

    Avoid foods that aggravate Vata

    If you are experiencing bloating, it is better to avoid foods such as cabbage, beans, frozen foods, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, dairy, processed or fermented foods. If your Vata is dry, Ayurveda recommends you to consume warm and smooth foods. These include soup, cereals, nut milk, etc. Consult your Ayurvedic practitioners to learn about the foods you should consume or avoid for your bloating.

    Follow a routine

    An effective way to keep your Vata balanced is to follow a routine. For instance, practicing a regular sleep-wake cycle, meal timings, time to exercise or other activities can help you to a great extent to balance your Vata.

    Avoid suppressing natural urges

    Suppressing natural urges can cause discomfort. It can block the downward movement of Apana Vayu, and slow down your natural digestive movement. The formation of gas occurs due to metabolic processes and hence releasing them through farting is a natural urge. You should avoid suppressing farting.

    Cooking with spices

    You can use spices such as fennel, coriander, cumin seeds, etc in your cooking. They are pretty effective in calming your Vata. In addition, you can add turmeric, rock salt, etc., to relieve flatulence and discomfort. Ingredients such as garlic, black pepper, jaggery, etc., can balance Vata dosha and help reduce constipation. Moreover, buttermilk can also help improve digestion.

    Ginger and honey

    Ginger is a crucial herb to relieve bloating. You can mix ginger and honey and consume the same to relieve Vata. Further, studies revealed that enzymes such as shagaol and gingerol enzymes in ginger can help expel gas formed in the digestive tract. Moreover, the antibacterial properties of ginger help prevent digestive infections due to pathogenic yeasts and strains. Ginger can also help support the movement of food particles through your digestive tract.

    Include Triphala in your diet

    As per Ayurveda, anything that helps improve your gut microbiome is beneficial to keep Vata balanced. Triphala includes three fruits – Haritaki, Amalaki, and Bibhitaki. It can effectively balance all the doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Besides, as Triphala has mild laxative properties, it can help cleanse your colon, release unwanted gas to relieve bloating.

    Haritaki can help remove toxins and balance Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

    Amalaki is a rich source of Vitamin C that improves your intestinal health. It can also balance Vata and Pitta dosha.

    Bibhitaki helps remove intestinal mucus. In addition, it is rich in antioxidants to improve healthy blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity.

    End Notes

    Therefore, the combination of these fruits in the Triphala helps cleanse and stimulate your digestive tract. Consult your healthcare providers or an Ayurvedic practitioner to learn how you can effectively relieve bloating. The reason is health and dosha condition of each person varies. Hence an Ayurvedic practitioner can recommend remedies that are best suited for your health.

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