Ayurvedic Remedies for Blood Pressure

The amount of blood supply from the heart and blood flow resistance by the arteries can help to determine blood pressure. If the heart pumps in more blood in the arteries than its resistance power, the affected person suffers from high blood pressure or hypertension. If the blood flow is lower than the resistance of the artery walls, the person tends to suffer from low blood pressure or hypotension. There are two types of blood pressure reading – systolic and diastolic.

Systolic blood pressure measures artery pressure inside arteries when the heartbeats. Diastolic blood pressure measures artery pressure inside it when the heart rests between beats.

Let’s find out how Ayurveda helps to normalize a person’s blood pressure condition.

Table of Contents

    Types of Blood Pressure:

    • High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) – High blood pressure or hypertension happens when the blood flow is high against the artery wall’s resistance.
    • Low Blood Pressure (Hypotension) - Low blood pressure or hypotension happens when the blood flow is lower than the normal flow against the artery wall’s resistance.


    A minimum reading of 140 mm Hg in systolic and 90 mm Hg in diastolic determines high blood pressure. If the arteries are narrowed against the higher blood flow, the person will likely have high blood pressure. High blood pressure is likely to cause health problems like heart disease. Let's find below the causes and symptoms of high blood pressure and how Ayurveda can help to treat this condition.

    Causes of High Blood Pressure:

    People get high blood pressure due to many reasons. Some of them are genetically narrow blood vessels, obstructive sleep apnea, and kidney disease. Others include adrenal gland tumors, thyroid problems, and side effects of medications like contraceptive pills, pain killers, and decongestants. Illegal drugs like cocaine and amphetamines also lead to hypertension.

    Symptoms of High Blood Pressure:

    Symptoms of hypertension include flushness of the face, blood spots in the eyes, and dizziness. Other symptoms are sweating and trouble to sleep.

    These are the most common symptoms of a person suffering from blood pressure. In case of severe high blood pressure, people experience some different symptoms. They are severe headaches, nosebleeds, and fatigue with vision problems. Also, there is chest pain, breathing problems, and irregular heartbeat. Rest symptoms include blood in urine and pounding of the chest, neck, or ears.
    According to the severity of the blood pressure, symptoms may vary. In the case of mild blood pressure, there are mostly external symptoms, while for severe blood pressure, there are more internal symptoms.

    Ayurvedic Treatment for High Blood Pressure:

    High blood pressure occurs when the blood flow becomes excess for the arteries, and the reason is thick walls of arteries prevent proper blood flow in the body. According to Ayurveda, these natural herbs can lower the blood pressure level mentioned below.

    • Ashwagandha: This Ayurvedic herb can reduce high blood pressure. This herb helps to calm the mind and can cope with stress and anxiety. In this way, Ashwagandha can reduce the symptoms of high blood pressure.
    • Basil: This herb contains certain compounds that can reduce high blood pressure naturally. Basil mainly functions to relax the blood vessel walls to prevent hindrance in natural blood flow.
    • Amla: Amla acts as a vasodilator that lowers blood pressure gradually. It also helps to widen the walls of the blood vessels to increase blood flow.
    • Triphala: This herb is known mainly to reduce blood pressure conditions. Triphala is good for heart patients.
    • The bark of Arjun Tree: This herb contains anti-hypertensive properties that help to reduce blood pressure. Arjun has the quality to reduce or remove plaque formation in blood vessels. This herb is also good for patients who have heart conditions.
    • Apollo Ayurveda Kool Mind: This ayurvedic dietary supplement contains herbs such as Pushkarmool and Ashwagandha root, Sarpagandha, Akik Pisti, and Moti Pisti. All these herbs are effective in reducing your blood pressure level to keep it within a healthy range. You may consult your healthcare providers before consuming this supplement.


    A reading of 90 mm Hg in systolic and 60 mm Hg in diastolic determines low blood pressure. Low blood pressure can lead to dizziness and lead the person to faint. Let’s find below the causes and symptoms of low blood pressure and how Ayurveda can help to treat this condition.

    Causes of Low Blood Pressure:

    People get low blood pressure due to pregnancy, heart problems, and endocrine problems. Other external causes include dehydration, blood loss, and infections like septicemia. Allergies and lack of necessary nutrients in diet also lead to hypotension.

    Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure:

    Symptoms of hypotension include dizziness, fainting, and blurred vision. Other symptoms are nausea, fatigue, and lack of concentration.
    These are the most common symptoms of hypotension. In case of severe hypotension along with age factors, the symptoms include confusion and rapid shallow breathing. Others symptoms are cold and clammy pale skin with weak and rapid pulse.

    Ayurvedic Treatment for Low Blood Pressure:

    • Arjun: This herb helps to normalize blood pressure levels. In case of low blood pressure, it helps to increase the blood flow.
    • Tulsi: A Tulsi leaf along with a spoon of honey optimizes blood pressure levels. This herb can naturally help in both conditions of hypertension and hypotension.
    • Garlic or Rasonam: Garlic acts as a stimulant and rejuvenating ingredient. It helps to improve blood circulation and normalize blood pressure conditions.
    • Manjishtha: This plant consists of anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer qualities. It controls bleeding and improves blood circulation that optimizes blood pressure levels.
    • Trikatu (a combination of black pepper, dry ginger, and pippali): This dose of trikatu under a physician's guidance can help manage hypotension conditions.

    With the remedies mentioned above, one can naturally suppress the symptoms of hypertension and hypotension. With proper guidance from a physician or a health care provider, a person can optimize their blood pressure condition. One must follow a proper diet chart along with the consumption of these herbs.

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