Can Ayurveda help treat Migraine?

Migraine is more than regular headaches. It is a neurological disorder, and you may experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, etc. In addition, patients might feel sensitivity to light or sound. A change in lifestyle and pharmaceutical medications can help in relieving migraine headaches. If you are looking for natural remedies, you may follow an alternative approach - Ayurveda. Ayurvedic practitioners believe that imbalance of doshas in your body can result in various ailments. According to them, an imbalance of vata and kapha dosha can result in migraine attacks. This blog will discuss various forms of Ayurvedic treatment for migraine relief.

Table of Contents

    Causes of Migraine

    Though the exact causes of migraine are unclear, various factors can trigger your migraine headache. They are as follows.

    Hormonal changes in women

    Many women may experience migraine due to fluctuating estrogen levels, especially before or during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.


    Consumption of alcoholic beverages and coffee can cause intense migraine headaches.


    Physical or emotional stress can also trigger migraine attacks.

    Changes in sleep pattern

    Some people may also experience migraine if they have too little or too much sleep.

    Sensory stimuli

    Strong smell, bright lights or even loud sounds can also trigger migraine among some patients.

    Change in weather

    Weather changes can also be responsible for triggering migraine attacks.

    Symptoms of Migraine

    Now that you understand the possible factors that can trigger your migraine attack let's discuss the symptoms you are likely to experience. Symptoms of migraine appear in three different stages.

    Before your Headache

    Patients may start experiencing symptoms hours or days before their headaches in this stage. They are likely to experience symptoms such as changes in emotions. In addition, they may also experience dizziness, frequent urination, thirst, and sensitivity to sound and light.

    During your Headache

    Patients may experience intense, throbbing or pulsing headaches. In addition, the other symptoms they may experience are neck pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and even nasal congestion.


    Once the headache period is over, patients may experience fatigue and irritability. This phase can last for two days.

    Ayurvedic Remedies for Migraine

    Ayurveda offers various forms of relief for patients suffering from migraine. Ayurvedic practitioners recommend practicing yoga, breathing exercises, etc., which can help in reducing migraine attacks. You may consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or your healthcare providers in this regard.

    In addition, certain herbs might also help relieve your migraine headaches. When different herbs are combined in appropriate quantities, they might provide great results.


    When extracts of three flowers or ‘Triphala’ from Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amalaki (amla) are blended, the mixture can offer numerous benefits. They improve breathing, clearing the congestion in nasal passages and sinuses. It further helps to reduce migraine headaches.

    Ksheera Ghrita

    Ksheera Ghrita or mixing ghee in a glass of milk and consuming the same can help relieve migraine headaches. This drink is rich in calcium, healthy fats, protein, Vitamin D, and E. These nutrients help improve mood, nervous system and relieve headaches in migraine patients.

    Shitalpadi Churna

    It is a powdered mixture of mishri, cardamom, cinnamon, pepper, and vankshalochana or the white part of a bamboo tree. It helps improve the function of your lungs and reduces cough, cold, and phlegm. It further helps to reduce the severity of headaches in migraine patients.

    End Notes

    Therefore, all these Ayurvedic remedies mentioned above can help relieve migraine headaches. However, as physical conditions among patients vary, these remedies' results would also vary. Because of this reason, you must consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or your healthcare professional before using these remedies for your migraine.

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