COPD - Can Ayurvedic Remedies help?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or COPD is a chronic condition where you will experience an obstructed airflow from your lungs. In addition, you might also experience symptoms such as cough, breathing difficulty, wheezing, mucus production, etc. Moreover, this health condition can also increase your risk of developing heart ailments, lungs cancer, etc. Ayurveda cannot completely cure your condition. Instead, it can help manage your symptoms and support your ongoing medications. Therefore, you must consult your healthcare professionals before consuming any Ayurvedic herbs and supplements.

Causes of COPD

The air you inhale travels down your windpipe or trachea through two large tubes, called bronchi, into your lungs. These tubes further divide into smaller tubes called bronchioles in your lungs and end with clusters of tiny air sacs called alveoli. These air sacs have very thin walls of blood vessels called capillaries. The oxygen you inhale passes through these blood vessels into your blood. Simultaneously, you exhale carbon dioxide produced as a result of metabolism. Your lungs depend on the natural elasticity of the tubes and air sacs to release air out of your body. Damage to your lungs and airway tubes can cause COPD. The following are some factors responsible for increasing your risk of COPD.

Tobacco smoke and other irritants

Tobacco smoking is one of the leading causes of COPD among patients. In addition, second-hand smoke, air pollution, and even dust, smoke, or fumes can also be responsible for causing COPD.


Asthma patients, especially those who also smoke, are at a high risk of developing COPD.

Exposure to dust chemicals

Long-term exposure to dust, chemical fumes, etc., can also cause inflammation and irritation of the lungs.

Exposure to fumes from burning fuel

Patients exposed to fumes from burning fuel can also develop COPD


A rather uncommon genetic disorder - alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency can also put you at a high risk of COPD.

Symptoms of COPD

Often symptoms of COPD do not appear unless you experience severe lung damage. These symptoms worsen with time. COPD patients may experience the following symptoms
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness
  • Wheezing
  • Chronic cough with mucus production
  • Mucus may appear clear, white, green, or yellow
  • Wheezing
  • Frequent respiratory infections

Health Complications of COPD

COPD can further cause the following health complications in patients
  • Respiratory Infections - COPD patients are vulnerable to cold, flu, and pneumonia. Other respiratory infections can also cause difficulty breathing and damage your lungs further.
  • Heart issues - COPD can also increase your risk of other heart ailments, including heart attack.
  • Lung Cancer - COPD patients are at a high risk of developing lung cancer.
  • High blood pressure - COPD can also cause pulmonary hypertension.

Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies for COPD

COPD patients must consult their healthcare professionals for proper treatment. In some patients, certain herbs can help relieve symptoms. However, it would be best if you did not treat them as an alternative to medication. Instead, they can help improve your condition and support ongoing treatment. An Ayurvedic practitioner can also recommend various herbs and supplements that you can consume to manage your condition.


It is an antioxidant in turmeric that can help reduce airway inflammation.


It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help remove toxins from the respiratory tract. It can also help relieve the common cold and cough.


It can lessen inflammation, irritation, and clear mucus and nasal congestion.


It can also help clear mucus and nasal congestion.


It helps clear lungs and treats various lung disorders.

End Notes

Therefore, consult your healthcare professional if you are experiencing shortness of breath, cough with mucus, chest tightness, etc. If they diagnose you with COPD, they will recommend the next course of treatment accordingly. You can even consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to learn which ayurvedic herbs can help support your treatment. They can suggest herbs based on the symptoms you are experiencing. Further, they might also advise breathing exercises and other Ayurvedic supplements to improve your condition.
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