How Can Ayurveda Help Treat Diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus, otherwise known as 'diabetes,' is a metabolic disorder responsible for causing high glucose levels in the bloodstream. The insulin hormone is responsible for transporting sugar from the blood into the cells to generate energy for bodily functions. However, if your body cannot produce enough insulin or use insulin effectively, it causes diabetes.

In Ayurveda, diabetes is called Prameha. Though you cannot cure diabetes; yet, with the help of Ayurvedic treatment, you can manage your blood sugar levels. You should know that untreated diabetes can further harm your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and other organs. For that reason, you need to follow your healthcare provider's advice, maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, and consume Ayurvedic herbs and supplements. In this blog, we will discuss Ayurvedic treatments for managing diabetes.

Table of Contents

    Types of Diabetes

    The following are the different types of diabetes that a patient can develop due to various factors. Let's learn more about them.

    • Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks and destroys your pancreas cells. Since the pancreas produces insulin, damage to this organ can affect insulin production. As a result, the affected person can develop diabetes.
    • Pre-diabetes - In this condition, you may experience a higher blood glucose level. However, the level is not high enough to be considered Type 2 diabetes.
    • Type 2 diabetes - In this condition, your body develops insulin resistance. As a result, it causes sugar to build up in your bloodstream.
    • Gestational diabetes is the type of diabetes that women usually develop during pregnancy. Placenta produces an insulin-blocking hormone that further causes this type of diabetes.

    Causes of Diabetes

    Different factors are responsible for causing different types of diabetes. To learn what causes diabetes, you need to understand the factors associated with different types of diabetes.

    Causes of Type 1 diabetes

    Healthcare providers are still not sure about the exact causes of diabetes. For some people, it might be genes, while for others, it might be a virus that causes the body's immune system to attack insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas mistakenly.

    Causes of Type 2 diabetes

    A combination of genetics and lifestyle factors causes the development of Type 2 diabetes. For instance, if you are overweight or obese, you are more likely to become diabetic. It is because extra body weight can cause cells to be resistant to the effects of insulin.

    Causes of Gestational Diabetes

    Pregnant women experience hormonal changes in their bodies. The placenta produces hormones that cause its cells to become less sensitive to the effects of insulin. Because of this, pregnant women are likely to experience higher blood sugar levels.

    Symptoms of Diabetes

    Various symptoms are associated with different types of diabetes. Let's discuss them.

    Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes

    When individuals have Type 1 diabetes, they are likely to experience the following symptoms. The common symptoms that these patients experience are weight loss, increased thirst, extreme hunger, etc. Fatigue, blurry vision, and frequent urination are also common in patients with Type 1 diabetes. The affected person may also experience mood changes.

    Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes

    Patients with Type 2 diabetes may experience increased thirst, hunger, urination, blurry vision, fatigue, etc. In addition, they may also suffer from recurring infections or sores that take time to heal.

    Symptoms of Gestational diabetes

    Usually, pregnant women do not experience any symptoms of gestational diabetes. Often doctors can diagnose this type of diabetes is a routine blood sugar test performed between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy.

    Ayurvedic Treatments for Diabetes

    Now that you understand the causes and symptoms associated with different types of diabetes let's discuss how Ayurveda can help treat them. As per Ayurveda, there is no permanent cure for diabetes. However, the following medicinal herbs can effectively maintain blood sugar levels.

    • Gymnema or Gurmar - This herb can curb a sugar craving. As a result, Ayurvedic practitioners recommend them for diabetes treatment.
    • Fenugreek or Methi seeds - They have high fiber content and help manage blood glucose levels.
    • Jamun - These fruits are pretty effective in reducing your blood sugar levels.
    • Neem & Tulsi - These herbs help your body manage insulin better and hence are used for diabetes treatment.
    • Giloy or Guduchi - This herb helps to improve your overall immunity and manage your blood sugar levels.
    • Apollo Ayurveda Dia V Gone - This dietary supplement contains herbs such as Paneer Doda that helps to manage blood sugar levels. Further, it might help repair the pancreas' beta cells and manage renal conditions that diabetic patients may develop. This supplement also contains Gymnema that helps to reduce sugar cravings. In addition, it contains karela, which is pretty effective in reducing blood sugar levels. Herbs such as Neelkanti may reduce blood sugar levels, Daru Haldi may help improve insulin sensitivity, Jamun may help improve insulin levels and aid in healing wounds faster.
    • Apollo Ayurveda Dia-V-Plus - This dietary supplement contains Karela, Cinnamon, and Neelkanti, all effective for diabetes treatment.

    Further, you can also consume dietary supplements such as Apollo Ayurveda Giloy and Apollo Ayurveda Jamun for treating diabetes. However, we advise you to consult your healthcare providers before consuming these dietary supplements. Though these supplements are safe to use, you should remember that every human body is different, and so are their requirements. Hence, it is always better to seek a healthcare professional's advice before consuming these dietary supplements.


    Ayurvedic remedies are meant to improve insulin sensitivity of Type 4 glucose receptors. It will further help to reduce insulin resistance, improve regeneration of beta cells, and improve insulin production.

    Further, you need to follow a healthy diet to manage your diabetes.

    Ayurvedic practitioners recommend including astringent or bitter-tasted foods such as bitter gourd, moong, barley, etc., to include in the diet. Further, they also advise including fresh fruits and vegetables to meet their fiber requirement. In addition, they also suggest using spices such as cardamom, cumin, turmeric, and coriander in cooking. We are hopeful that you can manage your blood glucose levels by following your medical practitioner's guidance and supporting your ongoing treatment with a proper diet along with the herbs and supplements mentioned above.

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