Nutritional Diet and Six Tastes in Diet according to Ayurveda

A proper nutritional diet in every meal is essential to possess a balanced body and mind. Mostly all healthy meals do not impress much in taste, but it is essential to have a meal or several meals with different tastes to make use of the entire palette of the tongue. For example, if a person suffers from a cold or fever, his taste buds will become numb. It is then when a person loses interest in his appetite. During this time, the person requires nutritious food and some medicinal contents in the food to improve health. If the food contains ingredients or spices that activate the numb taste buds, then the person's health improves, and he regains his appetite.

Six Tastes in Diet:

As per Ayurveda, a balanced diet consists of the following six tastes and other benevolent ingredients. Let’s learn more about them.

  1. Sweet: The sweet taste is compared with the universal elements of earth and water. Sugar or honey consists of this calming and soothing taste. It provides the human body with energy.
  2. Sour: The sour taste is compared with the elements of fire and earth. This mild and heavy taste. Citrus fruits or other fermented elements, vinegar, sour curd, and pickles consist of this taste. This taste generates the process of digestion. More than generating the process, it accelerates the procedure of digestion.
  3. Salt: The salty taste is compared with the elements of fire and water. Salt is one of the essential ingredients used in food. Without salt, there is no taste. The salt has a moistening effect as it generates and accelerates the process of digestion.
  4. Spicy (Pungent Origin): The spicy taste is compared with the elements of fire and air. This taste activates all the taste buds in the tongue. The spicy taste helps dry out the mucus and moisture and activates the numb taste buds. For this reason, spicy foods are pretty helpful when a person is suffering from excessive colds and coughs. Chilies, garlic, ginger, black pepper, and spices like this consist of this flavour and other benevolent factors.
  5. Bitter: The bitter taste is compared with the elements of space and air. This taste helps in clearing the palette of the tongue. Therefore, it is essential to consume bitter-tasted items to clear the palette before consuming the wholesome meal. Certain leafy vegetables, bitter gourd, some flavours of tea and coffee consist of this taste. Consuming bitter vegetables during spring helps boost the body's immunity and prevent certain diseases like measles and pox.
  6. Astringent: This taste is compared with the elements of earth and air. This taste helps in drying up the excess mucus. Therefore, it is required for cleansing purposes. Banana and cranberry consist of this taste.

A balanced diet contains food items that help in balancing the body and mind. If a person is seeking medicines along with Ayurvedic treatment, he should take proper advice from a doctor as both the combinations of this treatment might have side effects.

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