Stages of Disease Development according to Ayurveda

Diseases do not just appear randomly out of nowhere. There are stages of certain development of the diseases. This development is caused by our daily unhealthy habits that go almost unnoticed due to our hectic schedule. By ignoring these unhealthy habits, we open the way to the diseases that gradually eat up our physical comfort and mental peace. In this blog, we would discuss the different stages of the development of diseases.

6 stages of Disease Development

According to Ayurveda, there are approximately 6 stages of disease development. So let's learn more about them.

Accumulation Stage

Most of the physical discomfort and diseases start with the gut or stomach. The daily food habit of a person is one of the root causes of such problems. We forget to notice the minute details that we include or exclude in our food habits in our general lifestyle. Our diet only fills up the stomach, but it does not fulfill our nutritional requirements. For this reason, we eat food that consists of all the unwanted elements that are unessential for our body but does not include any of the nutritional requirements. This daily habit gives rise to certain elements or complexities in our bodies that will gradually grow into an ailment or a disease. For instance; it is going to cause gas in your body if you eat Junk Food. Gas is the disease's first sign.

Aggravation Stage

If we remain ignorant about our lifestyle choices and follow improper food habits for a long time, it will cause mild symptoms. It further indicates the development of the disease and discomfort. If you notice these symptoms early and undergo treatment, then you may ignore extreme suffering. However, with our busy schedule and our ignorance, we tend to overlook these symptoms. As a result, we cannot seek consultation and treatment early. It further makes us vulnerable to diseases. For example, if you keep consuming junk food and ignore your gas problem. It'll become painful, particularly with your thighs and lower back. It will create pain, especially in your lower back.

Spreading Stage

Toxins and other harmful elements start spreading themselves and show their effects. The food that we consume in our daily life does not fulfill our nutritional habits, and to some extent, we gain some elements in our bodies that develop into toxins. The more unhealthy consumption we dwell into, the more toxins we get in our bodies. In this stage, the toxins generated from toxic elements in the food start spreading into our bodies. If you still don’t give proper attention to your gas problem, At this stage, you will feel aching, restlessness, and intense tiredness in the body.

Build up in a new location in the body

This is the stage where the diseases look for loopholes in the body. Our medical negligence for a long time leads to this part of spreading of the disease. At this stage, the disease can develop in other areas like cracking of the joints.

Manifestation Stage

The accumulated toxins now start to break the cells and tissues and form the second last stage of spreading the disease. This is the point when the disease has fully evolved and is exhibiting clinical indications, allowing medical research to identify the condition and give it a name. For example, cancer, arthritis, etc.

Chronic or Complicated Stage

It is the last stage. Here the toxins have damaged the body by making way for the disease. In this stage, the body is severely affected. This stage is referred to as the chronic phase of development by certain experts. You are required to take medication every day and will remain under medical care.

End Notes

As we know the term "prevention is better than cure," we must apply it daily. We must develop the habit of consuming herbal medicine or other forms of Ayurvedic treatment to make our bodies strong enough to resist the spreading of diseases in our bodies. A small contribution to our health from our side will help us to remain healthy.

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