Daru Haldi has its botanical name Berberis Aristata. It belongs to the family Berberidaceae. The herb is commonly known as Indian barberry and Tree Turmeric. Berberis Aristata is a spinous, yellowish heb and is mostly found in Sri Lanka, sub-Himalayan regions, and hilly areas of Nepal. In the traditional medical systems of India and Nepal, this plant is used to treat allergies, metabolic disorders, cholera, and a host of other illnesses.

The botanical name for Daru Haldi is Berberis Aristata..


  • Dosha of Daru Haldi
  • Traditional Uses of Daru Haldi
  • Benefits of Daru Haldi
  • Scientific research about Daru Haldi
  • Precautions or Side Effects of Daru Haldi
  • How anyone can incorporate the Daru Haldi into their routine?

Dosha of Daru Haldi

Daruharidra possesses Rukshna Guna (dry quality), Katu Rasa (pungent flavor), Ushna Virya (hot potency), and Katu Vipaka (pungent metabolic flavor).

Be careful while combining herbs, especially if you have a medical condition. As a disclaimer, before utilizing herbs, safety can be ensured and negative effects can be avoided by consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional.

Traditional Uses of Daru Haldi

As a traditional medicine, Daru Haldi is a significant herbal plant that is used in many different cultures.

  • Ancient Egyptians used to treat plagues
  • Ayurvedic practitioners in India used it to treat dysentery
  • Anti-inflammatory activity helps to reduce swelling, pain, and redness in various parts of the body
  • Daru Haldi acts through several processes, like inhibiting alpha-amylase, controlling glucose metabolism, increasing insulin production, and activating AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase).

Benefits of Daru Haldi

Support blood sugar (anti-diabetic activity)

Daru Haldi exhibits potential anti-diabetic activity that regulates blood sugar levels. When diabetic patients have inadequate glycaemic control, the biochemical components berberine and berberol are a helpful way to start them on insulin therapy. Additionally, when the extract of Daruharidra is consumed, the β-pancreatic cells become active.

Supports overall wellness

Daruharidra supports healthy digestion and stimulates the production of digestive enzymes, which may aid in improving nutritional absorption from food and increase energy levels.

Increase energy levels

Daruharidra can help with digestion and overall wellness, which can help with energy levels over time even if it does not directly raise them.

Liver Health Benefits of Daruharidra

Polyherbal formulation syrup Hepjaun has the daruharidra herb, which is helpful for liver disorders. Daruharidra’s active ingredient, berberine, inhibits potassium and calcium currents in animal liver cells, which may be related to liver protection[i].

Daruharidra’s Potential Anti-Cancer Properties

Berberine from Daruharidra has been demonstrated to prevent the growth of cancer cells and to cause apoptosis in several cancer types, including breast, lung, colon, and liver cancer. It prevents angiogenesis as well.

Scientific research about Daru Haldi

A study was carried out that found that Daruharidra possesses considerable anti-diabetic and anti-hyperlipidemic effects in Type 2 diabetes mellitus rats.

According to another study, Daruharidra has potential anticancer activity.

Precautions or Side Effects of Daru Haldi

  • Daru Haldi is a high-potency herb that can cause uterine contractions.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult with a doctor before using Daruharidra.

How anyone can incorporate the Daru Haldi into their routine?

  • Evening Tea Ritual

Warm tea containing this herb is a good way to induce sleep since it relaxes the body and supports the circadian cycle.

  • Herbal Bitters

Daru Haldi activates the digestive system’s enzymes. Therefore, before meals, you can have it in small proportions.

  • Culinary Flare

When added to meals, herbs like Daru Haldi can be powerful anti-inflammatories and digestive aids.

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