The Menispermacea botanical family includes the climbing shrub Tinospora Cordifolia, which survives on the support of other trees. It is considered an essential herbal plant for folk and Ayurvedic medicine. In Sanskrit, Tinospora Cordifolia is commonly known as Guruch, Guduchi, and Giloy.  Due to its various health benefits, the Giloy herb is also known as Amrita (Root of Immortality). Ayurvedic medicine uses the Giloy plant, which can boost the immune system and is a crucial component of “Rasayanas”. Its roots have anti-leprotic, anti-malarial, and anti-stress properties.

The botanical name for Giloy is Tinospora Cordifolia.


  • Dosha of Giloy
  • Traditional Uses of Giloy
  • Benefits of Giloy
  • Scientific research about Giloy
  • Precautions or Side Effects of Giloy
  • How anyone can incorporate the Giloy into their routine?

Dosha of Giloy

The extraordinary Ayurvedic herb Giloy balances the three doshas of Vata (air), Pitta (digestion), and Kapha (earth and water). It also aids in the removal of harmful toxins from the body, enhancing several physiological functions, and preventing the emergence of Amavisha.

Traditional Uses of Giloy

  • Tinospora Cordifolia has become famous for its many skin and health advantages
  • Giloy has traditionally been used to treat a variety of diseases, including fever, diarrhea, urinary problems, dysentery, skin infections, asthma, Hansen’s disease, gout, diabetes, jaundice, anorexia, and eye conditions
  • It also possesses anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, anti-oxidant, anti-HIV, anti-cancer, anti-periodic, and anti-allergic  properties
  • Giloy can enhance platelet counts in individuals suffering from dengue fever and minimize the likelihood of complications
  • In traditional Indian folk medicine, the stem of Tinospora Cordifolia is commonly utilized to regulate blood glucose levels and treat diabetes.

Benefits of Giloy

Support blood sugar (anti-diabetic activity)

Giloy is a hypoglycemic agent that has been shown to treat Type 2 diabetes. It controls blood glucose levels, reducing oxidative stress, increasing insulin secretion, and inhibiting gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. Major phytochemicals of Tinospora Cordifolia,  including flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, cardiac glycosides, saponins, and steroids, are thought to play an important role in its anti-diabetic effects.

Supports overall wellness

Giloy herb is used to support overall wellness. It is also used to treat chronic fevers and improve digestion. Consuming Giloy juice with water before lunch can help fight liver ailments, boost heart health, and combat urinary tract infections.

Supports immune system

Giloy juice is a powerful immune system booster that can provide instant energy. It is high in antioxidants, which protect the body from viral and bacterial infections and help the body eliminate toxins, resulting in radiant skin.

Anti-oxidant activity

Tinospora Cordifolia stem extract contains arabinogalactan, which boosts immunity. Secondary metabolites from all three plants play an important role in microorganism inhibition. Cordifolia extract combinations show good resistance and sensitivity to various pathogens.


Giloy contains active compounds with anti-inflammatory properties such as alkaloids, flavonoids, and steroids. It can inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes, making it a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of various inflammatory diseases.

Scientific research about Giloy


According to a study, the traditionally prepared Guduchi Ghana exhibits notable anti-inflammatory activity and decreased edema by 33.06% in 3 hours. Similar activity was also visible in the market sample of Guduchi Ghana, although to a lesser degree. The market sample was found to be inadequate for the classical method. Significant differences between Group A and the control group were seen.

TSP (Tinospora Cordifolia stem polysaccharide) was found to contribute to the antioxidant activity of the plant’s aqueous extract. It also plays a vital role in the overall wellness of the body and in protecting cellular glutathione. The results suggestthat TSP may partly attribute the medicinal value of the plant to its anti-radical and antioxidant properties.

Precautions or Side Effects of Giloy

Giloy is generally regarded as safe for healthy people, but it may interact with some drugs or medical conditions, especially autoimmune diseases. As a result, care should be taken. Giloy should also not be consumed while nursing or pregnant.

How anyone can incorporate the Giloy into their routine?

The Giloy herb can be used in a variety of ways to improve daily routines, including:

Giloy juice

Consuming Giloy juice is simple and convenient. Drinking a mixture of Giloy juice and water before lunch helps to treat liver diseases, promote heart health, and prevent urinary tract infections.

Add Giloy to milk

In Ayurveda, drinking Giloy in milk is a popular home remedy for treating joint pain as well as muscular and skeletal pain.

Chew Giloy stem

Despite the unpleasant taste, chewing on fresh Giloy stems can provide immediate relief from asthma symptoms.

Make Giloy ‘kadha’

 Make a ‘kadha’ by combining water, alma, Giloy, black salt, and ginger to strengthen your immune system. You can stay free from infections and pathogens by using this kadha.

Giloy capsules or tablets

Due to the antioxidant content of Giloy capsules or tablets, the immune system can be strengthened.

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