Solanum virginianum L. is a medicinal plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family. It is commonly known as “yellow berried nightshade” and has various vernacular names, such as Kantkari, Black nightshade, and bhui ringani”  It is widely distributed in Asia, with native countries including Yemen, Saudi Arabia,  Afghanistan, China, Iran, India, and Malaysia Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand. It has also been introduced as an adventive species in Egypt. It has been found in all four of India’s climatic zones, including the tropical and subtropical regions.

The botanical name for Kantkari is Solanum virginianum L.

MORE ABOUT KANTKARI (Solanum virginianum L.)

  • Dosha of Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.)
  • Traditional Uses of Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.)
  • Benefits of Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.)
  • Scientific research about Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.)
  • Precautions or Side Effects of Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.)
  • How can anyone incorporate the Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.) into their routine?

Dosha of Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.)

Solanum virginianum is believed to possess properties that can balance the Kapha and Vata doshas. When the doshas are unbalanced balance, it helps in their regulation and moderation. However, excessive usage of Solanum virginianum or its application in individuals with an existing Pitta imbalance may potentially elevate the Pitta dosha. Before adding it or any other herb to treatment for dosha-related issues, it is essential to speak with an experienced Ayurvedic doctor.

Traditional Uses of Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.)

  • Asthma, bronchitis, and cough are some respiratory conditions for which Solanum virginianum has proved to be useful. It is thought to have expectorant and bronchodilatory properties. This aid in clearing airways and easing respiratory discomfort.
  • The plant has been used to treat several skin issues. It is typically applied topically to treat itching, rashes, and skin infections. It is thought that it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities, which may help explain its possible usefulness in treating skin conditions.
  • Kantkari has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities that help lower inflammation and prevents oxidative stress in the body.

The plant has long been used as a diuretic to encourage urine production and help in the body’s removal of extra fluids. For people who have edema or water retention, this diuretic activity may be helpful.

Benefits of Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.)

Boosts the immune system

Solanum virginianum contains immune-stimulating characteristics.  Particularly, flavonoids are known for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. By limiting inflammation and modulating immune cell activity, they may have an impact on the immune system. Flavonoids are found in it, which suggests that they might help the plant’s capacity to strengthen the immune system.

Helps reduce inflammation

Solanum virginianu is said to have anti-inflammatory qualities. It has bioactive substances like flavonoids, which have been linked to a decrease in inflammation. To fully comprehend the precise processes and efficacy of Solanum virginianum in reducing inflammation, however, more study is required.

Clear congestion

Traditional medicine frequently uses Solanum virginianum, to relieve congestion. Although Solanum virginianum contains a variety of bioactive substances, it is unclear how these compounds work specifically to relieve congestion.

Antibacterial activity

Numerous studies have examined the antibacterial activity of various Solanum virginianum extracts against diverse bacterial strains. It contains bioactive substances like glycoalkaloids, alkaloids, and flavonoids that are responsible for their antibacterial properties. These substances have been shown to limit the growth of some bacteria, including gram-negative and gram-positive species.


Scientific research about Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.)

Antiinflammatory activity

Rat paw edoema models were used to assess the anti-inflammatory properties of Solanum virginianum leaves. The studydiscovered that the anti-inflammatory impact varied in intensity. Solanum virginianum’s methanol extract was discovered to contain phenolic chemicals, diterpenes, flavonoids, proteins, carbohydrates, and amino acids. Comparable to vitamin C, the extract displayed significant antioxidant activity. Its leaf extract has the potential as a natural antioxidant and could be beneficial for health and nutrition.

Antibacterial activity

The herb was used in this study to evaluate the antibacterial activity of Solanum virginianum extract. All the examined bacteria had their growth slowed down by the extract, though to different degrees. The most susceptible strain was Bacillus subtilis, and the least resistant was Salmonella typhimurium. Contrary to Gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria were typically more sensitive to the extract and common antibiotics.


Precautions or Side Effects of Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.)

  • When consumed orally, the unripe berries and leaves of black nightshade are considered unsafe due to the presence of a toxic chemical called solanine.
  • In lower doses, they can cause vomiting, nausea, and other adverse effects. In higher doses, they can lead to severe poisoning, potentially resulting in death.
  • Regarding topical application on the skin, there is insufficient reliable information to determine the safety and potential side effects of black nightshade.
  • Special precautions and warnings should be exercised, particularly during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How can anyone incorporate the Kantkari (Solanum virginianum L.) into their routine?

The plant black nightshade can be harmful; hence, it is important to use caution if someone wants to include it in their diet.

Use ripe fruit with caution

It is advised to start with small doses of ripe berries and watch for any negative effects even if it is unclear whether it is safe to consume them. If any discomfort or negative effects appear, stop using the product.

External use

If topical use is being considered, proceed with caution and conduct a patch test on a small patch of skin to check for any negative reactions before general use. If irritation or unpleasant symptoms appear, stop using the product.


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