Know about Herbs



Cinnamomum Verum commonly known as Cinnamon and Dalchini belongs to the family Lauracae. Its tree bark is a primary component of spice.  Cinnamon is mostly found in Sri Lanka although it...


Cinnamomum Verum commonly known as Cinnamon and Dalchini belongs to the family Lauracae. Its tree bark is a primary component of spice.  Cinnamon is mostly found in Sri Lanka although it...


Daru Haldi has its botanical name Berberis Aristata. It belongs to the family Berberidaceae. The herb is commonly known as Indian barberry and Tree Turmeric. Berberis Aristata is a spinous,...


Daru Haldi has its botanical name Berberis Aristata. It belongs to the family Berberidaceae. The herb is commonly known as Indian barberry and Tree Turmeric. Berberis Aristata is a spinous,...



The Menispermacea botanical family includes the climbing shrub Tinospora Cordifolia, which survives on the support of other trees. It is considered an essential herbal plant for folk and Ayurvedic medicine....


The Menispermacea botanical family includes the climbing shrub Tinospora Cordifolia, which survives on the support of other trees. It is considered an essential herbal plant for folk and Ayurvedic medicine....



Onosma Bracteatum (GOJIHVA)   ( Family-Boraginaceae)  commonly known as Gojhiva, Indian Borage, Ratanjot, and Gaozaban is a vital component of Ayurvedic formulas. Gojhiva is locally found in Kashmir & Jammu, Nepal,...


Onosma Bracteatum (GOJIHVA)   ( Family-Boraginaceae)  commonly known as Gojhiva, Indian Borage, Ratanjot, and Gaozaban is a vital component of Ayurvedic formulas. Gojhiva is locally found in Kashmir & Jammu, Nepal,...


Gudmar, also known as Gymnema sylvestre or the miracle plant, is a plant that climbs on other plants and is originally from India and Africa. The leaves of this plant...


Gudmar, also known as Gymnema sylvestre or the miracle plant, is a plant that climbs on other plants and is originally from India and Africa. The leaves of this plant...



The Zingiberaceae family specie turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn), is commonly referred to by several other common names, including Urooq ul Asfar, Turmeric, or Indian saffron, Haridra, Zard chob, Darzardi, and...


The Zingiberaceae family specie turmeric (Curcuma longa Linn), is commonly referred to by several other common names, including Urooq ul Asfar, Turmeric, or Indian saffron, Haridra, Zard chob, Darzardi, and...